A golden humming cloud of honeybees arrived unexpectedly one sunny June morning and moved into a knothole in the siding of the house. Three weeks later, Mr. E. helped these mysterious creatures into a comfy wooden box in his garden and began to live the lifelong dream of herding millions of stinging insects and collecting their sweet honey. Please enjoy the adventures of Mr. E's Mysterious Bees.

March 8, 2010

Cleaning Moldy Frames

Today I grabbed all the moldy fuzzy frames and hosed them out. Underneath the mold were beautiful swirls of pollen.  Another beekeeper told me that as long as the bees are not overwhelmed by the mold they can usually handle cleaning it out themselves.  He said they even have been know to eat the mold and blend it into their bee bread.  These frames were pretty fuzzy, so I figured I would give them the upper hand and hose some of it out for them. 

I knew it was going to rain the next day so I stacked all the frames up on my sweet pea tower to hopefully dry out before the rain.  The bees found them right away and started cleaning out the cells and carrying back the good stuff they could salvage back to their hives.

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