A golden humming cloud of honeybees arrived unexpectedly one sunny June morning and moved into a knothole in the siding of the house. Three weeks later, Mr. E. helped these mysterious creatures into a comfy wooden box in his garden and began to live the lifelong dream of herding millions of stinging insects and collecting their sweet honey. Please enjoy the adventures of Mr. E's Mysterious Bees.

February 21, 2010


The Pride of Madeira.  Bees love it.  It is blooming in San Francisco right now. 


  1. Beautiful blues, wonderful photography of bees and flowers.

    How fascinating your bee stories are. I just found your blog and look forward to reading more.


  2. thanks, it is fun to write down what I am learning as I work with the bees. I lived in Tallahassee, Sarasota and St.Pete for 12 years. Oh how I miss the humidity and thunderstorms.
