A golden humming cloud of honeybees arrived unexpectedly one sunny June morning and moved into a knothole in the siding of the house. Three weeks later, Mr. E. helped these mysterious creatures into a comfy wooden box in his garden and began to live the lifelong dream of herding millions of stinging insects and collecting their sweet honey. Please enjoy the adventures of Mr. E's Mysterious Bees.

November 13, 2011

Airplane Lured Bees

Waterloo Evening Courier
July 12, 1919, Waterloo, Iowa
Airplane Lured Bees.
Popular Bluff, Mo.

One of the largest apiaries in the state was robbed of half its million bees recently when an airplane from Park Field, Tenn., Passed over the bee farm of Martin Polk, near Patterson, Mo., with a large bouquet of magnolias. Scenting the rich fragrance of the flowers, the bees swarmed from their hives and began the pursuit of the sugar-scented airplane, which was on the way to the funeral of a former lieutenant of aviation. Fully a million bees are estimated to have followed the airplane. When last seen the bees, forming a large cloud against the sky, were pursuing the plane in a westward direction. They are known to have followed the plane at least 20 miles, and they have not returned to Popular Bluff yet.

thanks to Historical Honeybee


November 3, 2011

Nice observation hive. If anyone has any info on where this is or how and why it was built...let me know.